How to Tap into Your Creativity for 2023

Although we usually think of only certain majors as being creative, the fact is all your classes will involve some degree of creativity. If you’re able to tap into your creativity at university, you’ll be able to produce original papers, apply the concepts you’ve learned to new problems, and find connections between ideas that initially seem unrelated. All this is key to achieving top grades, whatever your major.

It’s a myth that some people are creative and others are not. No matter where your creative skills stand today, you can take steps to improve them in 2023.

1. Figure Out When You’re Most Creative

Whereas you should be studying at the time of day you’re most productive, the best time for creative thought may be completely different. In fact, whereas you’re most productive when you’re alert and can focus, many people come up with their most creative ideas when they’ve just woken up or are about to go to sleep. Although you may not always be creative at these times, the chances are greater that you’ll come up with a unique idea.

2. Learn to Search for Solutions Despite Constraints

A major part of being creative is being able to solve a problem when you only have limited options available to you. Things are easy when you have no restrictions — it’s when you have to work within constraints that your creative skills become important.

Start by defining the limiting factors — these could be time, resources, or even the laws of physics. Then you can begin brainstorming ideas. Initially, dismiss nothing, even ideas that seem ridiculous. Once you come to analyze your ideas, you can identify why a particular one is not feasible and make the necessary adjustments to arrive at a solution that does work.

3. Give Your Mind a Break

It’s extra difficult to find a creative solution when you’re forcing it. By taking a break to rest or do something else, your mind will still be working on the problem subconsciously. Often, you’ll return to the task only to have the answer pop into your mind immediately. Great ways to use your breaks to enhance creativity include exercising, taking a short stroll around campus, or practicing a completely different creative activity.

4. Draw Your Ideas

Another way to access ideas that may be trapped in the depths of your mind is to draw mind maps and diagrams. It’s typically best to do this by hand, but you can also use mind-mapping apps if you want to incorporate colours and pictures with ease. However you approach it, drawing will help you see connections, work out processes, and decide on the best course of action.

5. Record Your Ideas

Creative ideas could strike at any time. Make sure you don’t forget (but also avoid taking your attention away from whatever you’re currently working on) by having a method to jot down your ideas. The note-taking app on your phone could be useful, but you may prefer to carry a physical notebook wherever you go.

6. Expose Yourself to More Ideas

Creativity is about bringing together existing ideas and turning them into something new. The best way to expose yourself to more ideas is through reading, although watching videos of lectures and listening to podcasts is also beneficial.

Furthermore, bear in mind that creativity is not always a solitary activity. Discussions with other people will allow you to share ideas and arrive at solutions you would never have figured out on your own. As a university student, you have opportunities for interesting conversations with other people all the time, including during classes, study groups, and club meetings.

To allow your creativity to shine through in your assignments, you need somewhere you can concentrate without distractions. The solution is to move off campus and into student rentals. Waterloo students can find a new home at Preston House or Bridgeport House. Both properties offer large, furnished suites, WiFi study spaces, and common areas where you can meet new people. Book a tour in the building of your choice.